It’s Idia.
And I just want to give you a heads up…
You’re going to want to sit down for this.
What you're reading...
Right now...
On this page...
Is an Initiation.
It is a powerful journey that has the capacity to activate you...
And completely transform the way you think about your business…
If you let it.
Here's the catch...
The overwhelming majority of people who land on this page will never make it through this entire Initiation.
That is intentional.
Santos & I created it this way...well, by design.
It's specifically designed to weed out people who are too muggle.
Or too far out of alignment.
Too close-hearted & so mistrusting...
That they have a hard time believing in anyone or anything — most of all themselves.
So addicted & conditioned to social media & it's quick dopamine hits...
That, unfortunately...
Unless something is packaged in a 0.3948 second TikTok or instant, chatbot download...
Their brain glitches out.
Their attention span combusts.
You get the gist.
Those people just won't get all the way to the end.
Their consciousness can't receive this work or these downloads.
And this Initiation will filter them out.
The Codebook & it's Initiation are only for the chosen few.
The few courageous souls who are actually committed to doing the work...
And who are committed to spiritual alignment, authenticity, & integrity…
As they show up each day to be the leaders that the world so desperately needs right now.
It’s for the rule breakers…
The innovators…
The free thinkers & freedom fighters…
Who have no choice but to be a wayshower…
A breaker of chains…
And a living embodiment of their ancestors’ wildest dreams.
It’s for those who are ready to rise to another level…
On their own terms…
In their own way.
If this is not your cup of tea…
No worries.
Thank you for stopping by.
You can save yourself the time & just bounce right now.
But if you consider yourself to be one of the very chosen few…
I encourage you to focus.
Sit down.
If you’ve got someone or something distracting you…
Get rid of it now.
Pull your screen in closer…
And pay careful attention to everything you’re about to see…
No matter how unusual or unrelated it may seem.
Remember this scene from The Matrix?
Go ahead. Watch it now.
It’s only 3 minutes long.
No. Seriously.
Watch the clip.
And then keep reading.
I’ll wait.
Can you guess what’s coming next?
Right now…
You, my friend, have (2) choices…
A red pill, blue pill decision, if you will.
You can take the blue pill…
Hit the back button…
And at any point in time, close this window…
Forever wondering, “What was in that Codebook that they promised me?”
You can take the red pill…
You can click “continue” to go to the next page…
And I can show you how far this rabbit hole goes.
Remember — all I’m offering you is the truth.
But I’m warning you…
Once you get a hold of this information…
You can’t go back.
You can’t go back to not-so-blissful ignorance.
You can’t go back to tolerating what you used to tolerate.
You can’t go back to the way things were before.
But you can go forward…
And step into a life & business of greater authenticity…
And a level of total time freedom, financial freedom...
And impact beyond your wildest dreams.
But only you can decide if you’re ready for all that.
If you are…